Monday, August 4, 2008

Pregnancy Loss

Today, August 4th, is the four year anniversary of the loss of our 2nd baby. I am always saddened to remember this miscarriage and the weeks and months of grief that continued after it.

October 15th is the official Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, so I plan to share much more at that time. However, I'm providing a couple websites below that have been helpful in my healing as well as helping others through their own grief processing. Please feel free to share more books, websites, or online/in real life support groups that you've found to be especially helpful (I'll repost them during Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, as well).

If you have experienced a loss and need someone to talk to while you process the pain, please feel free to contact me at teachertools (at) gmail (dot) com (with the "@" and ".") or leave a comment below with PRIVATE written at the beginning so that I won't post it on this blog. I don't pretend to be an expert or counselor, but I am here nevertheless.

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