I cannot believe my baby is 6 months old! I will post a 6-month collage later this weekend, but I just had to upload a shot of him right around the minute he turned 6 months old this morning. He's on the move!
And below is a short video clip of him talking to us. Of course he has his sister's finger in his mouth (kinda gagging him), but he talks to us like this ALL the time. SO funny!
Brighton is still rolling everywhere, beginning to crawl, sitting up for very short time periods (always with one of us nearby), and talking our ears off. He's extremely playful and thinks EVERYTHING is funny.
We love having three children. The mix of personalities makes our lives so full. I'll be back probably tomorrow with that collage. Until then, if you haven't read his home birth story or seen the pictures of his first moments out of the womb, take a minute to click on his "birth story" button (with his picture on it) to the right. And have a blessed day!
1 ♥ thoughtful comments ♥:
He is SO beautiful and happy! 6 months of joy! What a happy little guy! He looks like himself! I think his greatgrandNana might have said something like that! His Mimi loves him dearly, so far away, but love just the same.
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