One box of off-brand graham crackers...
One package of large-sized marshmallows...
$ .82
$ .82
Six-pack of Hershey's milk chocolate candy bars...
Sticky, gooey, drippy, messy, so-good-you-just-wanna-lick-em smiles...
P R I C E L E S S!!!
Disclaimer: This post is, in no way, intended to support, celebrate, endorse, or even approve of the use of Master Card or any other credit card. Quite the contrary. Dude, if you don't have $5.46 for s'mores makings just call me and I'm sure we can work something out.

18 ♥ thoughtful comments ♥:
LOL! That's awesome!
Generally, I hate marshmallows, but there's something about s'mores that I just can't resist.
And I'm a little ashamed to admit that I NEVER carry cash anymore. I would have to debit the $5.46. *blush*
yum! I am a sucker for s'mores. They'll get me everytime, no matter how hard I'm trying to be good! Your mastercard disclaimer was hilarious! :)
Those are some happy kids! S'mores are all about fun. Love how it doesn't take much to make little kids happy. Now when they get to be teens, it is probably another story:)
OHHHHH sooooo scrap-worthy! I love you pics!
OMG I L.O.V.E. s'mores! Oh and I agree about not using your cc for s'mores. lol Cute messy pic too!!!
And if it is raining, make 'em in the oven at about 300* for about 25 minutes...
Thanks for coming by.
LOL...Loved it!!!
yum! yum! yum! I love the photos!
@Amanda~ I know, I'm so bad about carrying cash. We even went through the 14 week Dave Ramsey course (amazing information there) and did the cash thing for a few months, but then fell out of the routine. Debit is so convenient! But at least it's not credit card. :)
@FINE~ They were yummy! Yeah, I just had to add that little tidbit about MC. Of course, now they'll probably come to my blog and sue me for using their image.
@septembermom~ Yeah, I imagine it's more difficult with teens. $5 never went so far in my life as it does with my children. Gotta take advantage of that! :)
@beckyw~ We're going to HAVE to get together one of these weekends. I know you're like the scrap queen and I have hundreds of pictures, some cool scrap paper, gazillions of stickers and ribbon, and even a few empty books. I need some guidance here. Pulease!!
@Ms Perfect~ THANK YOU! Yeah, no on the CC. We're a credit nation, unfortunately. Ick!
@Gina~ We've done the oven thing, but we've also done them in the microwave. Just about 6 seconds on high blows those suckers up so huge and as soon as it stops we pull them out and cover it with the other half of the graham cracker. Gotta love it!
@Tabitha & Amy~ THANKS!
How strange. I was just thinking of doing a post like this last night (unfortunately, I cannot even remember what it was for now). Those smores looked GOOOOOD!
YUM!!! Now I'm craving s'mores, LOL!
Absolutely GREAT! They look delicious! (the kids) (the smiles) (the twinkle in their eyes)!! ♥
LOVE IT! Funny, my 6 year old has been buggin the crap outta us for S'mores lately. After seeing these pics, I think I will cave in and say yes..if they eat them OUTSIDE!
Great pics! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Really its awesome!
DevPalmistry |Lines tell the story of ur life
@Musings~ I know how you feel. I always get these great blogging ideas and draft out some of them in blogger only to discover half of the blogs I follow start posting the exact same thing before I publish mine. And JUST when I was starting to feel all original and cute n' stuff. :( :sniff, sniff:
@Muthering~ The nice thing about getting all the stuff for them--you have plenty leftovers for another day. WHOOOT!
@bfs~ Oh they ARE delicious (with or without the chocolate smiles, of course). But as their grandmother, you already know this. LOL
@Whimsical and Dev~ Thanks for stopping by!! :)
@FranticMommy~ Yes, yes, outside is much smarter, but where's the bravery in that?! LOL And no, thank YOU for stopping by. By the way, I'm honored to say that I was one of your first followers back in the day. I still read your blog regularly and will try to be a better blogging buddy by commenting on your wonderful posts more often.
Ok. I am still laughing about the NO MASTERCARD disclaimer. I am so proud of all of us for taking this stand when we did!!
Those smores photos are senior book worthy, don't ya think???!!! HA ha HAHA!!
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