One of my New Year's Resolutions for 2012 is to work harder on organizing and recording our family memories. Now, I'll be honest: I don't usually do resolutions. I've never seen January 1st as any more important a day for making changes than, say, May 13th or September 3rd. In any case, I'm looking forward to blogging again. It's so easy to forget the little things and this is one way I have to jot down the daily/weekly highlights.
For today, I'll simply share three photo books that I made from a few major events over the last 14 months. First, my friend, Ronna, gave me a gift certificate to Shutterfly to document my most recent pregnancy and home birth. Ronna came over during our most recent birth and she took photos and video throughout, so a photo book was the perfect way to showcase all her beautiful work. I had never made one before, but Shutterfly's online scrapbooking options were so easy to use. I only had about 24 hours to put it together (because I was trying to get in on their 50% off deal), but it all came together in time for printing. I'm so pleased to have such a special book showcasing these special memories. I included photos from my maternity shoot with Rachel Howell of Simple Shutter, photos from the Nebraska Friends of Midwives demonstration on the Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge (that connects Nebraska to Iowa), photos of my Blessingway and belly casting, and a few other fun happenings surrounding Briston's birth.
Pregnancy and birth photo book link:
This year we wanted to do something special for both our parents for Christmas. We don't get to see them very often (twice a year, at the most), so we decided to document all of the special times we've had through the year that correspond to them. It seemed another couple photo books were in order. Our year will have to run from October to October to make sure we get our photo books in time for Christmas each year, but we'd like to keep doing this either every year or every other year. Some photos are of our family while we're at their homes or of times when they were here or even of times they sent gifts for the kids to open (for birthdays, Christmas, etc.).
Nana & Pawpaw's 2010-2011 Photo Book (made with Shutterfly):
Mimi & Poppy's 2010-2011 Photo Book (made with Mixbook):
I wish everyone a very happy New Year and I look forward to seeing how many of my friends are still actively blogging.
Hugs all around!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
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