I had been expecting it for a while. We were coasting on fumes for about a week--barely getting enough sleep and yet still waking around 5am. The kids were all running a low-grade fever, fussing and arguing over little things, mommy's foot still hadn't healed, and we had only a few dollars in our bank account after a crazy month of fix-its and unexpecteds. Actually, make that negative $1.43 in the bank (but who's counting, right?). I was certain one of us would blow our tops over something sooner or later.
So...I'm sitting in the dining room, sipping my hot tea and playing with the baby. Lee was in the kitchen, finishing up supper, when I heard his announcement from the kitchen (where the children were running around his feet, begging for their juice cups).
"Okay, that's the LAST straw!"
Uh oh, not the proverbial last straw, I thought. YIKES!
Carefully and quietly I tip-toed into the kitchen, hoping my entrance wouldn't upset the balance of our teetering universe. Yet I just had to see what disaster had occurred to arouse such a "last straw" announcement (and I figured I'd need to help sweep up the broken pieces of whatever had been destroyed in my absence).
Boy was I relieved to discover his words weren't some silly proverb or figure of speech. He was telling the truth...the WHOLE truth...while fixing their morning juice cups:
It really WAS the very last straw.
(...and he wasn't even trying to be funny...which made it all that much funnier, to me...the one who was now spewing hot chai tea from my nostrils)

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10 ♥ thoughtful comments ♥:
That was cute! You put a smile on my face today:) Hugs, Kelly.
That was awesome! Great post. It made me smile and smile BIG! Thanks for stopping by my blog too Shaye!
Yup. The last straw happens around here a lot. Except it's the last drop. Milk. Etc. The last. :]
hahahhaha that was so sweet and funny. I could visualize the entire scene and esp you going into the kitchen expecting the worst..great post and an endearing account of a normal day!
This is a great pot! Hugs to you for seeing the humor during difficult times!
Loved it hope you don't mind I am emailing it to a girlfriend who does not blog, twitter, or facebook... Love the story and to get a picture to...
Too funny!
Stopping by from Lori's blog....this was such a cute post!! I would've thought the same exact thing as you did if my husband said that to our kids..."Oh goodness, what did the kids do NOW?" to set him off!!
That was the best!! You gave me a laugh this morning :-)
That cracked me up! And I especially need it this week. I haven't nursed the two-year-old in eight days (it's *almost* time to wean anyway, and I think it might be delaying ovulation - and I so want another baby!) AND she and I both have miserable head colds. Sigh. (apologies to anyone random that may have subscribed to comments.)
Your tot talks are great, too! My Goose isn't quite there yet with that sort of thing but I'm still laughing over Lynisha's little boy who responded to his name being called by yelling "BUSY!". Good times.
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