This first picture is of Brighton talking to his great grandfather: Dana. This weekend happened to be his Dana's 88th birthday so we're going to celebrate two milestones at the same time in this post. :)
We've had a wonderful last month and have seen so many changes in Brighton. He's growing like crazy. I can't say exactly how tall he is, but he looks huge and is getting into 18 month clothing these days and a few 24 month items. He's still cruising, but slowly letting go of things and attempting to stand for short periods of time without holding on to anything.
The first thing Brighton does in the morning (or after naptime) is look for his siblings. I ask him if he wants to go see his brother and sister and he starts kicking ferociously. His face spreads into this HUGE smile as soon as they come into sight. I love to see how he follows them about and attempts to play with and talk to them all day.
Brighton loves taking baths. LOVES them! I start the water and he begins dancing and screeching. Once in the water he splashes and splashes. Sometimes he'll stand up and hold onto the side. I'll ask, "Brighton, do you want to get out or play some more?" He responds by immediately letting go of the side and sitting back down. Smart kid, that one! We often do a short bath in the morning and another at night, just for fun.
Now that Brighton is 10 months, we will slowly begin introducing cereal and a few other fruits and vegetables (he's only had breast milk thus far). We'll be watching for any food sensitivities, as usual.
Brighton is still saying, "Mama" and he's experimenting with many other words. One we've been hearing clearly is: "play." He is such a dancer, like his older brother. Music comes on TV and he gets up and starts boogy-ing. And if any of us begin singing, he's all over that--wailing at the top of his lungs in a sing-song manner. It's absolutely hilarious. He's also become very aware of all sorts of things from how we use the telephone to how we use a remote control to finding buttons on anything that's electronic. We're amazed at his awareness.
Brighton hasn't enjoyed being in his car seat since our long, long, long drive to Texas. I have to continually remind him that it'll only take a few minutes to get to our next stop.
It's been a wonderful 10 months...he's growing up so quickly!
And now, for a short video clip. And don't forget you can click on the collage to see the images bigger. Enjoy!
3 ♥ thoughtful comments ♥:
Brighton, you're so fun to watch grow. I simply could grab you up and steal you away ;) But I don't think that mama of your would let me get far!
I love the picture of mama and baby! It's the best yet!
Hi there!
Well, as Poppy put it when he saw the video clip tonight, Brighton is a 'busy little boy'!! And I love that picture of Dana and Brighton! Absolutely precious! The days are flying by, aren't they?
I miss you.
Happy B-Day Brighton!!!
Love Aunt Laura and Uncle Scott
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